Forest for All will be planted on the deteriorating mountaintop land of Tao Fong Shan, Shatin, New Territories. Tao Fong Shan Christian Centre is recognized as a listed Grade 2 Heritage site by the Hong Kong Government’s Antiquities and Monuments Office. Tao Fong Shan is a meditative place of nature, historical pilgrimage, spiritual retreat, interfaith dialogue, and intercultural exchange. The site currently hosts a secondary forest that was planted on the mountain with fast-growing exotic tree species more than half a century ago to stabilize the pre-existing rocky soil condition.
Aerial view of Tao Fong Shan
Originally planted in the 1960s and 1970s, these exotic trees are now approaching the end of their natural lifespan of approximately sixty years, and are negatively impacting the local ecosystem. As these exotic species continue to age, they are deteriorating and becoming increasingly problematic, since they are not well-suited to the local climate and have little ecological value over the long term. Their decline poses significant challenges for native species and threatens the overall health of the local environment.
Current site condition in Tao Fong Shan
The condition of the existing site was surveyed, and all trees on site were measured, identified, and documented. The survey results revealed that a majority of the existing trees were older deteriorating exotic species that were reaching the end of their lifespan of approximately sixty years. These exotic trees are aging, decaying, and impeding the growth of other plants such as native species. The highly acidic fallen leaves from these exotic trees have altered the terrain, resulting in large barren areas of nutrient-deficient soil where other plants cannot grow. As a result, the local ecosystem has low biodiversity and few native species.
Documentation of existing trees in Tao Fong Shan